Minor Updates - 2009-01-23

Well, I finally got the Captcha module working on the "E-mail Seller" and "registration forms". I tested this on the E-mail Seller form but not the registration. If it still isn't working on the registration form, let me know.

I increased the image upload to accept pictures bigger than 1.5MB to 3.0MB. It was brought to my attention that the maximum of 1.5MB wasn't enough for uploading pictures. The main reason I had it set to 1.5MB was to keep the server from getting cluttered with a lot of over-sized pictures. I hadn't really tested the image upload feature but found that when the file is uploaded to the server, it will re-size the picture to a size of 1024x1024 resolution which will drastically reduce the filesize on the server. I thought that it kept the original picture on the server, then created a copy with the reduced size but this isn't the case. 3MB maximum size should be plenty for just about any .jpg picture taken with a regular digital camera. Most will be anywhere between 800K and 2.5MB. What does this mean for you? You shouldn't have to re-size your pictures before uploading them.

Auto Logout:
I added an automated logout feature to the site which basically means that the site will automatically log you out of BuyMyAsphalt.com after a certain period of time. As of right now, I have it set to 6 hours, so if you are logged into the site and 6 hours has passed, you will be logged out automatically and have to log back in.

State View Sorting:
I implemented some sorting options when viewing posts by state. Originally you could only sort by the price but I have set it up so you can sort based on price, city and post date. I hope in the future to be able to set sorting by state on the main classified list but this will be down the road when we get more posts to the site.
